
MESHLE Gateway
Bluetooth Mesh
to Wi-Fi Bridge

Wi-Fi Bridge
Cloud features at a glance
- Remote Control via App
- Google Assistant voice control
- Alexa voice control
- Time synchronization
- Web Dashboard (Available soon)
Remote control via app
Safe access to all networks
Once the gateway is configured in the network, a new connection option appears in the MESHLE App: Cloud. It is now possible to reach the network that is out of Bluetooth range. In this way, multiple networks can be added to one Cloud account and managed from anywhere in the world.

Alexa, turn on the light!

Voice control
Once the gateway is installed, you can link your Alexa or Google account to the MESHLE Cloud.
Once linked, the devices can be controlled remotely by voice as well as via the respective applicationAlexa App or Google Assistant

Simple set up
Ready for use in a few minutes
- 1) Connect gateway*.
- 2) Start MESHLE App
- 3) Register with MESHLE Cloud
- 4) Set up gateway in Bluetooth mesh network
- 5) Activate MESHLE Alexa Skill or Google Assistant
* can be optionally connected between an existing device (e.g. MESHLE flex controller) and a power supply unit with the same nominal voltage. This saves an additional power supply unit and protects the environment.
Made in Germany
MESHLE Cloud in safe hands
The MESHLE Cloud was not only developed in Germany, but is also hosted here. Your data is securely encrypted on German servers, MESHLE does not rely on Amazon AWS or Google Cloud*.
*With voice control, the respective provider (Amazon or Google) accesses our cloud via a secure connection. Only the devices are recognized and controlled, no personal data is passed on.